Committee Reports

President Cecilia Arango made members aware of the programming available from Rotary Works, including a program on “Navigating the Shark Infested Waters of the Workplace.” 
Cecilia reminded members of upcoming service opportunities including the Nov. 13 Blood, Sweat, and Beers fundraiser and the Girls on the Run 5K. Jeanine Roach and Denise Grabowski were thanked for volunteering at the Friends of Tide to Town Love Your Trail Day event.
Program Committee Chair George Seaborough thanked everyone who attended the social at Sey Heys. He announced the next social event on Nov. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at 1790.
Interact Liaison Sara Smith talked about the upcoming Preston Johnson Annual High School Speech Contest. Committee members will be needed to read through submissions. Contact her for more information.
Georgia Rotary Student Program Host Florence Slatinsky said Sofie is doing well and recently attended a High School football game and will be attending a Georgia Southern University game soon.  

Membership Moment

Joshua Yates described his work running the Green Truck Pub as, "living the dream." He left his career as an engineer 12 years ago because he loved the pace of working in restaurants. However, he still gets to apply his engineering training as a collector and restorer of pinball machines. He's also an internationally ranked competitive pinball player.
Josh said he likes Metro because of its commitment to hands-on service. He said it's also a great way to meet people. Don't forget the Green Truck Pub Grand Re-Re-Re-Opening on Nov. 13 from noon-4 p.m.


Ro and Brad Patrick were the guests of Whitney Shephard

Jordan Riles was the guest of Katie Joyner

Bill Horn was the guest of John Rodman

Featured Speaker: Laura Lee Bocade

Foundation Committee Chair Laura Lee Bocade reminded members that November is Foundation Month. The Foundation, she said, enables Rotarians to do much more in our areas of focus: Basic education and literacy; community economic development; disease prevention and treatment; maternal and child health; peace building; conflict prevention; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.
She noted the new Foundation focus, environmental sustainability. For more information on Foundation giving, contact Laura Lee.