Posted by Jamie Arkins


President Jasmine Mills kicked off the meeting with the 4 way test. She encouraged everyone to be on a committee!
  • Danietté Thomas - Fashion Designer and Consultant (guest of Zerik Samples)
  • Melanie Farrant - Marketing professional/SCAD alumna - moved back to Savannah from the UK (guest of Suzanne Kirk)
  • Kyle Reese - Rotarian from Jacksonville and Senior Minister, First Baptist Church of Savannah (guest of Sarah Smith)
3.375Need a Rotary nametag? We got you! If you do not already have a name tag or your current one is incorrect due to a classification or name change, please share your name & classification here by Friday, May 10.
Did you know? You can subscribe to the Metro Rotary Calendar! Go to ClubRunner, Events, click on Subscribe to Calendar at the bottom (Google, Apple, Outlook compatible)
Attendance Check-in: Check your attendance in ClubRunner. Is it accurate? If not, email 
Membership Committee is reaching out it not meeting 50% attendance to discuss options - go to "Members Only" area of website for info on makeups
Lunch purchase policy: if absent, but already paid - members can buy lunches paid via Venmo/cash to Treasurer at $10 discounted price. Absentees need to alert Leigh beforehand at 
      • May
        • 5/11: District Assembly - Dublin
        • 5/21: Julie Wade, Tharros Place & Legacy Project Updates
          • Oatland Island (Julie) and Forsyth Park (Bret)
          • Recorded - online voting
          • Site visits: Oatland at 4pm and Forsyth Park at 5pm, followed by happy hour at the American Legion on Bull St.
        • 5/28: Social @ Coastal Empire Beer Co.
      • June
        • 6/4: Dana Williams, Mayor of Thunderbolt
        • 6/18: Mae Bowley, Re:Purpose Savannah
        • 6/25: End of Year Celebration Social @ Aqua Vitae - registration required for you +1
      • 5/13: Emmaus House Soup Kitchen - 7:30-9:30am, 2nd Monday of each month - minors 13 and up can volunteer accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
      • June will be the final service with Re:Purpose - date TBA
      • Legacy Project will take the place of ASP (chair John Bennett) - committee met on April 25 and will have announcements for the club soon!
      • District Assembly - Board/Leadership training this Sat., May 11, 8:30am-3pm, Dublin (DuBose Porter Business & Industry Training Center) - $45 pp *3 credits for attending the full day*
      • 50 fellowships for master’s degree programs at six universities in U.S., Asia, Australia, & Europe
      • 80 fellowships to earn postgraduate diplomas at Makerere University in Uganda and Bahçeşehir University in Turkey.
      • Applications due May 15
      • Check your attendance in ClubRunner. Is it accurate? Email if not:
      • Membership Committee - reaching out if not meeting 50% attendance to discuss options
      • Visit the “Members Only” area of the website for more info
      • If you are interested in being on the Board, please reach out to Kristen Crawley
      • “Fireside Chat”: First step for a new member. Thurs., May 23, 5:30 PM @ Habitat for Humanity Restore @ 701 MLK. If you are interested in sponsoring a member, check out the “Members Only” area of the website for more info!
      • Sponsor Challenge: Anyone who sponsors a new member this rotary year will be entered into a drawing to be held on June 18 (last meeting of the Rotary Year!)
      Fitz Haile: Data and Analytics Consultant, United Way - Sponsors: Kristen Crawley & Jordan Chase
      Please watch Fitz's classification talk HERE!
      • Preston Johnson Speech Contest winners from Woodville Tompkins presented today! Please watch their speeches linked below:
       1st Place: Serani Hassan
       2nd Place: Sanlos Celestin
       3rd Place: Maleik Clausell
      • Metro's 15th anniversary in 2027, currently saving $ for this
      • Legacy Project Updates on Tuesday, May 21 at 12noon program meeting:
        • ​​​​​​​Oatland Island (Julie) and Forsyth Park (Bret)
        • Recorded - online voting
        • Site visits: Oatland Island at 4pm and Forsyth Park at 5pm, followed by happy hour at the American Legion on Bull St.