Posted by Jamie Arkins

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  • President Jasmine Mills kicked off the meeting with the 4 way test. 
  • She ask for those who have been members for less than a year to please stand to be recognized: Beth Whalen, Aaron Miller, Katie Rudder Fender, Fitz Haile 
  • Jay Gallagher - Account Executive, Premium Sales and Services, Oak View Group & EnMarket Arena (Guest of Zerik Samples)
  • Molly Knutson - Director of Digital Development with Moran Pallets & Wood Products (Guest of Aaron Miller)
  • Marianne Ganem Poppell, Owner of Savannah Master Calendar and member of Rotary East (guest of speaker Dana Williams)
MEMBERSHIP MINUTE: Katie Rudder Fender shared the most fun she ever had was seeing Taylor Swift a year ago today at Soldier Field in Chicago. 
Did you know? You can subscribe to the Metro Rotary Calendar! Go to ClubRunner, Events, click on Subscribe to Calendar at the bottom (Google, Apple, Outlook compatible)
Attendance Check-in: Check your attendance in ClubRunner. Is it accurate? If not, email 
Membership Committee is reaching out it not meeting 50% attendance to discuss options - go to "Members Only" area of website for info on makeups
Lunch purchase policy: if absent, but already paid - members can buy lunches paid via Venmo/cash to Treasurer at $10 discounted price. Absentees need to alert Leigh beforehand at 
      • Service Superlatives given to Lexi Henigman & Zerik Samples

      • Emmaus House - Clothing closet sorting (BONUS project) - Tuesdays & Wednesdays in June, 9:30-11:30am - This is June's bonus service project; if you sign up for a shift, please let Ro know so you get credit. Sign up directly with Emmaus House

      • Re:Purpose - Saturday 6/29, 9-11am - We are back at The Yard with our ASP Re:Purpose for the last service project of this Rotary year. Our plan is to have everyone work on creating finished craft goods. Kids 13+ are welcome to participate with their parents. Kids under 12 can take part in a separate workshop. Please let me know if you are planning to bring the younger kiddos and their ages so we can plan ahead. Sign up here

      LEGACY PROJECT: Legacy Project will take the place of ASP for 2024-2025, chair John Bennett - click on the title link to watch the video presentations and then VOTE for your favorite here!

      • Oatland Island Playground presented by Julie Wade. She thanked John Bennett for keeping us focused. This is an open-nature zoo that has been owned by the school system for over 50 years. Over 100,000 visitors per year including general public, schools and visitors. There is a new pre-K school on site as well. Proposal is for a public playground next to the picnic pavilion. This is solely Metro’s project. Various designs would be presented for consideration. Metro would be responsible for design consultation, product selection & fundraising. SCPSS responsible for sitework, installation & ongoing maintenance. 
        • Budget: $60,000-$100,000 from Metro.
      • Forsyth Park Gathering Space presented by Bret Bell. Eddie Deloach (president of Downtown Savannah Rotary) approached Bret to partner with Metro on this project to make a big picture statement in our community. The “Master Plan” survey by the city 2 years ago showed that there was a need for a “Gathering Space,” basically a place to sit, eat, and commune. Regardless, the city plans to demolish the “old playground” with no current plans to replace it with anything else. The City Manager has already embraced the plan for a landscaped/hardscaped gathering place, so this will happen even if Metro doesn’t partner on it. Downtown Rotary has already executed a similar project.  The proposal: “Herb Traub Gathering Place.” Metro responsibilities: Design, Hardscape, Softscape, Furniture. City’s responsibilities: Playground Demo, Sitework. Perimeter Sidewalk, Irrigation, Lighting, & Bed Materials

        • Herb Traub (1917-2008): Longtime Savannah Rotarian, founder/owner of the Pirate’s House, community champion, and spearheaded numerous civic efforts including the Lucas Theater Restoration, Daffin Park Beautification, Lighting of the Talmadge Bridge, Forsyth Park Fountain, several squares, and monuments.
        • Other points: As a true Legacy Project, this will be central to the public and serve as a unique opportunity to unite Rotary Clubs and set a new precedent for partnering. The plan is for the project to start this year. Since the city would have ownership, maintenance will not be an issue.
        • Budget: $225,000-$250,000 (Downtown can raise it on their own - they are more interested in a partnership - they'll consider it 50/50 if Metro can raise $60,000)

      • “Fireside Chat”: First step for a new member. Thurs., June 20, 5:30 PM @ Habitat for Humanity Restore @ 701 MLK. If you are interested in sponsoring a member, check out the “Members Only” area of the website for more info! Let Zerik know if you have someone attending so he can plan for snacks. 
      • Sponsor Challenge: Anyone who sponsors a new member this Rotary year will be entered into a drawing to be held on June 18 (last meeting of the Rotary Year!)
      • New Metro T-shirts available now! Reach out to Jasmine for more info on how to pick yours up. 
      • Check your attendance in ClubRunner. Is it accurate? Email if not:
      • Membership Committee - reaching out if not meeting 50% attendance to discuss options


      • Metro Dues Invoices have been emailed! Option for this year: you can add your foundation giving to your online payment by changing the amount. 
      • Let Tony know ASAP if you need different or specific such as as W-9, lunch for the year, etc. 

      INTERNATIONAL: 2025 Rotary International Convention

      • What: Celebration, building goodwill and better friendships
      • When: June 21-25, 2025
      • Where: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
      • Why? 3 credits per full day in attendance and it's much closer this year!


      9th Annual Empty Bowl fundraiser at St. Andrews School in January 2024

      • Metro's first joint service project with the two SAS Interact Clubs
      • Proceeds so far have impacted:
        • 100 people gaining access to clean water
        • Support for 5 students school fees & meals
        • Constructing of 750 yam beds & seeds
        • "Nearly all students shared that this made them feel like global citizens with compassion for others."
        • Luke, a 7th grader, reflected: "My lasting impression is that spending money in the right places can help at lot of people."
        • Savannah shared, "Finding out we were helping to get fresh water really had an impact on me and made feel grateful for what we have."