Posted by Jamie Arkins
  • Denise Grabowski has three brags: 1) She bragged on Julian Miller (guest) for his past role with the homeless authority, 2) Ruth Hutson’s (guest) son, Campbell, for being first chair tuba musician, and 3) Kristin King for her performance at Wesley Monumental this past weekend.
  • Jasmine Mills bragged that her foster daughter has been released for adoption.
  • Suzanne Kirk has decided to become a US citizen, and her interview/final step will be in October!
  • Laura Lee Brocade bragged on Facility Planner and on Suzanne for being an incredible resource and her company won the bid for furniture at the Convention Center.
  • Kristen Crawley bragged on Will Gruver for providing supplies for our Woodville-Tompkins peace pole. Also, United Way Shop and Dine needs participants for United Way for October 6-8.
  • Katie Joyner had her appendix removed last week and is doing great.
  • Elizabeth Summerall announced Make-A-Wish Foundation is starting a gingerbread house building competition.