The Sultan of Spreadsheets, the Master of Minutes, the Pied Piper of Planning Docs: Patton Dugas has been a busy guy folks. 
The new Members Only page Patton's set up on is your one-stop shop for Metro business: Check you attendance, pay your dues, view Club goals, learn about prospective members, read the rules, view our budget. 
If you are among the Club nerds and actually read that budget, you'll see that annual Club dues will increase next year from $300 to $350. Ouch we know, but still way cheaper than every other Rotary club in town. Beginning in October, lunch will also increase from $10 to $12.50, which will include the Square processing fee.
Why are you greedy bastards doing this to me, you may ask? For one, things cost more. For another, we're growing into a more established club, and want to have a bigger impact on our community. The increase will allow us to do more, and have more fun.
Check it all out by clicking on the "Members Only" tab at the top of the homepage at or by going directly to the page here: Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to get your billing and attendance digits.