PAYMENT: Venmo: @jasmine-mills-1223
- Jamie Arkins bragged on Clint Murphy going back to work after a six-month leave of absence.
- Julie Wade has three announcements:
- January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Several events planned for Tharros Place. Plan to attend Cocktails for Courage on Jan. 24!
- She is running the Boston Marathon and needs to raise $10,000 for Dana Farber Institute. Donate to her fundraiser here! This year marks the 10-year anniversary of her recovery from cancer.
- Julie serves as the board chair for the SDBA, and they have hired Mia Mance as their Executive Director. Follow DBA on social media!
- George Seaborough announced that Citizen Advocacy’s annual Oysters on the Bluff oyster roast will be held on Sunday, Feb 2nd. Get your tickets here!
- Cecilia Arango ran her 32nd state marathon this past weekend (New Mexico) and she is doing improv with Front Porch on Friday. Get your tickets here!
- Leigh Acevedo said that her daughter is participating in the children’s improv class and is thrilled they are back at school. She’s also asked for support in her role with Rotary now that she has many other jobs in the community.
- Cindy Mulally announced that her husband Matt Toole (along with Ryan Madson) is hosting an artist talk for their installation Apocalypse at Green Truck on Wednesday, January 8th, 6:00-8:00.
- Denise Grabowski announced the 16th Annual Student Success Expo this Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm at the Civic Center.
- Jordan Chase bragged on Bret Bell for bringing her sons home safely from NOLA. She also shared that Danny has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and is in treatment.
- Kristin King promoted the upcoming Georgia on my Mind concert benefiting Emmaus House on Friday, January 17th at Victory North. Tickets and more info here!
- Jasmine Mills bragged on the 1-year anniversary of their daughter’s adoption and thanked the club for their support during the whole process.
- Whitney Shephard shared that one of Green Truck’s servers was just diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. She needs help with medical care and living expenses while she undergoes treatment. Support here via GoFundMe here.