Posted by Jamie Arkins
Happy Holidays | Rotary Club of St. Albert - Saint City
December 3, 2024 Committee Updates:
UPCOMING EVENTS: Holiday events coming up! See the calendar listings on the side for the most current updates.
SERVICE: Ro Patrick
GRSP (college-aged/specific to Georgia) and Rotary Youth Exchange (high school aged/worldwide program): Aaron Miller
  • Our GRSP student Sonali is running the Disney Princess 10K & Half Marathon Feb. 22nd & 23rd for American Cancer Society! Donate to support her here: 
  • Metro will be sponsoring a  Rotary Youth Exchange outbound student which means we need to find a school and host families for the inbound high school student. If you are interested in learning more about being a host family, Aaron is hosting a meeting today, Wednesday, Dec 4th at 5:15 at Wexford Pub (upstairs). 
    • Metro has committed to sending abroad (outbound) one student for 10 months. Which means we need to connect with schools to find a home for an incoming (inbound) student.
    • Host Families (3 needed, 3-4 months each) and finding the High School needs to be settled by January 31.
  • Jasmine Mills presented (on behalf of Cari Phelps) a summary of their trip to India in 2018, including the inadequate government schools: a lack of staff, supplies, education, and sanitation, which leads to disease, deformity, infertility, and other health issues. Their efforts increased attendance exponentially and it was encouraging to see Rotary’s support in process. 
  • Near the end of their tour, one of the girls showed Cari the girl’s bathroom. It was disgraceful to see the difference between the girls and boys bathrooms. There was no privacy, no sanitation for menstruation, and many girls experienced dehydration because they didn’t want to drink water during the day so they didn't have to use the so-called bathroom. 
  • As of September of 2024, 9 happy schools have been completed by our club’s funds, and the support of Rotary International.
  • What’s Next: “United for Life”, spearheaded by Dr. Miriam Rittmeyer (Rotary East), is a maternal & child health national initiative, spanning 2024-2028. Includes travel opportunities to Panama, as well as donating and assembling birth kits for distribution to expectant mothers. Supported by our overage from our club's excellent fiscal management!
  • EREY Club (Every Rotarian Every Year): 
    • $100 per year per person / $50 is paid from your dues
    • Had the option this year to tie that money into your dues payment, but request that if you didn’t do that to please contribute a minimum of $50 to the Rotary Foundation by March. 
    • Donate to the Annual Fund here
  • Some of the ways your Foundation donations are distributed: 
    • District Grants and how the funds come back to us in three years
    • International Grants - Happy Schools
    • Annual Service Partnerships
  • Emily shared that the New Member Program has been streamlined and documents were shared to outline the process.
  • Chelsea Dye (sponsored by Whitney Shepard & Jeanine Roach)
Molly Knutson gave her Classification Talk on Dec. 3 and thanked everyone in the club for being so welcoming, especially her sponsors, Aaron Miller and Kristin King. She shared stories about serving others while growing up in a large family in Arizona. Anything from helping elderly neighbors or feeding an entire church community. She met her husband Jeff in New York City 12 years ago and immediately fell for his love of service. Jeff attended the Military Academy at West Point, which led them to frequent travel and relocation up and down the east coast. Molly’s background in Urban Planning fit perfectly as they analyzed the good and bad of each city they lived in, but eventually they started to feel the itch of settling down. They had dreamed of one day living in Savannah after having visited here for a wedding in 2017/ When they tried to make it happen with a 1% chance of getting a relocation, they beat the odds and they knew they were here to stay. 
During COVID they organized their own donation drive for The Old Savannah City Mission. They were moved by the community's participation and this led to Molly volunteering at the Mission on a regular basis. Aaron reached out to let Molly know she’d be a great fit for our Club, and she looks forward to sharing her passion for service with her son. 
Fun facts: Molly runs several fantasy football leagues and is a very fair commissioner. She recently quit her job with Ferguson to help run her family's pallet business based out of Arizona. She’s played and coached volleyball. She loves making her own salsa, loves walking, biking, and wants to be voluntarily carless within the next year. Her mantra is to “show up and do!”
Deanna Whitt was inducted as a new member under our recently revamped New Member Program. We will hear her Classification Talk in the near future!
Sponsored by Emily Doherty & Suzanne Kirk